Energy Storage

Benefits of installing a solar battery:

  • A major reduction in power bills.
  • Self-sufficient and freedom from the power grid.
  • Reduced carbon footprint.
  • Added property value.


Energy storage is one of the things we can do to save money and the environment These days, it’s a goal we all work toward, and renewable energy like solar is a fantastic way to do so.


Using batteries goes a long way in keeping cost and wastage low when set up correctly with your existing solar power system. 


But what are solar batteries


Join us as we take a closer look at these products and how to choose the right one for your system.


What Are Solar Batteries?

When added to your power system, solar batteries act as storage devices, helping you save on electrical bills. Not to mention allowing you to be "off the grid" while reducing your carbon footprint.


Your solar panels collect energy from the sun, which is then turned into usable power by your inverter. If this energy is unused, it goes to waste, sort of a "use it or lose it" thing.


With the sun beating down, there might be days where your system generates way more than you can use. This extra energy often gets lost, or if you're lucky, you may be able to send it back into the grid, but at a lower cost than what you buy it for.


Here’s where the solar battery comes in to save the day. The excess charge from your sun-powered system gets stored in your solar batteries


Energy storage systems ensure you have power at night and on cloudy or rainy days.


Tips to Choose the Right Solar Battery

Each home's power needs differ from the next. Here are some tips to help you get the right solar battery to meet your needs.


Storage Vs Off-grid

The capacity or size of a battery is how much electricity it can store and supply for use. This usage is linked to time, meaning that the more power you use, the faster you’ll run out of stored energy.


Some solar batteries only act as storage with enough charge to last you through the night. Many types, for example, won't allow you to back up your whole house during a blackout.


If this is a concern, use a system that backs up your whole house or specify which circuits to cover.


Going "off-grid" usually requires a system with a large storage capacity—one large battery or lots of smaller ones.


Decide what appliances you want to power, like your fridge, some lights and a power outlet or two. Calculate how much power you need and for how long, then choose a battery with enough capacity to meet your demand


Power Rating

Every battery has a power rating stating how much power it can provide at once. For instance, a power rating of 2.6 kW means you have an extra 1.6 kW to store or push back to the grid if you only use 1.0kW.


Likewise, if you have a fully charged 9.0 kW battery and your house uses 10 kW. Then you’ll only draw 9.0 kW from the battery and need 1.0 kW from the grid. 


Keep in mind that appliances have different power needs. A couple of lights may stay on for days, whereas an AC can run for a few hours at best when powered by the same system.



As you may know, getting started on your solar journey can be costly. Luckily there are different options:


  • If you’re price conscious, the best choice is to select a smaller battery with a great integration that optimises your energy storage system.


  • Look for a system that allows you to start with smaller (and cheaper) batteries that can upgrade as you go along.


  • Or opt for a large, high-capacity battery from the start. The cost may be more, but if you have a large home or plan to expand, this investment ensures sufficient power. 


FAQs About Solar Batteries

When deciding whether to invest in solar batteries or not, you may be asking some of the following questions:


How Can a Solar Battery Storage System Help Me?

A solar battery storage system will:


  • Save you money.
  • Reduce your dependence on the grid.
  • Offer you peace of mind during extreme weather conditions and blackouts.
  • Help minimise your environmental impact.


How Long Will a Fully Charged Solar Battery Last?

For the average Australian home, a 10kWh solar battery should give enough power to last the entire night. How long your battery lasts depends on:


  • Power usage: how much your household uses.
  • Your solar battery's storage capacity. 
  • How much charge remains on the battery, also referred to as the "depth of discharge" (DOD). If a 10kWh battery has a DOD of 90%, then you only have 9kWh to use. 


Why Should I Invest in a Solar Battery?

The benefits of solar energy storage at home are:


  • A major reduction in power bills.
  • Self-sufficient and freedom from the power grid.
  • Reduced carbon footprint.
  • Added property value, increasing your long-term investment.


Adding a battery to your solar power system is an investment that makes sense


Allow Us to Help You Get Set Up

Getting a solar battery is definitely a smart choice. With so many criteria to consider, feel free to contact our Energy Solutions specialists. We’ll assist you in your decision-making process, ensuring you get the best battery for your setup and energy storage needs.